anos na indústria
Os vinhos da VAENI NaoussaDesde a 1984
Seja bem-vindo ao websiteda VAENI Naoussa. Através das páginas do nosso site, pode conhecer a nossa Cooperativa, os nossos produtos e as nossas gentes. Será, também, guiado pela nossa adega e poderá aprender a história dos famosos vinhos de Naoussa.
É muito bem-vindo para nos contatar e para nos deixaras suas observações, as suas questõese os seus comentários.
Países de exportação
Prêmios de qualidade
Rótulos de vinhos

Vaeni Naoussa – Bios Ellinos 2008
The addition of Merlot or Syrah risks softening the wine and lessening its typicity, but in this case the dark blackcurrant fruit character seemed earnest and brooding in a way that resonated utterly with me. Elegant and commanding, with a very Cabernet-like texture. A lot of pleasure to be had either now or over the next decade. (19/20)
- The Morning Claret
- “12 years of Xinomavro”

2004 Vaeni Xinomavro Naoussa
...Die von mir verkostete Flasche hat mir große Freude bereitet. Insbesondere in den warmen Sommermonaten braucht es einen Rotwein, der nicht zu „marmeladig“ und nicht zu alkoholbetont ist. Vaeni hat hier einen Wein in die Flasche gefüllt, der zum einen fruchtbetont ist und zum anderen eine tolle Präsenz am Gaumen hat. Dies alles mit einer vornehmen Zurückhaltung und Eleganz…
- Weinlakai
- “Der Wahnsinn: griechischer Wein!”

VAENI Naoussa Co-op
The VAENI Naoussa Co-op is the largest wine producer in the region accounting for 50 percent of wine production in the area. Its PDO Naoussa, wines which are known as the classic reds from Greece, include: Naoussa, Naoussa Reserve and Naoussa Grande Reserve. The traditional Naoussa range wines were established with the Vin de Qualité Produit Dans Une Région Déterminée (VQPRD).
- Fly Me To The Moon designs
- “PDO Naoussa: Greece’s finest red wines”